First, please complete Client Expectation Agreement

First, please complete Client Expectation Agreement

This is step is required in order to do financing.

Once that is finished, please fill out the following form to receive your financing application.

Once that is finished, please fill out the following form to receive your financing application.

Once that is finished, please fill out the following form to receive your financing application.

It should take approximately two minutes to complete.

Checking for an offer will not impact your credit score.

After completion, ShiFi will text you a secure link for the rest of the financing application.

If approved, you will receive a call shortly after for verification.

Feel free to use the messaging icon to connect live with a funding specialist if needed.

If you need to call ShiFi for further assistance, please use this number: (213) 286-2791

Feel free to use the messaging icon to connect live with a funding specialist if needed.

If you need to call ShiFi for further assistance, please use this number: (213) 286-2791

Here's how much you can expect to pay with ShiFi?

Here's how much you can expect to pay with ShiFi?

Your Payment:

Investment Amount ($3000)


Term Limit (12 Months)


Down Payment (5%)



Approximate Monthly Payment for 12 months at 24.99% interest

We offer 60 months for all approved customers*
We require 5% downpayment for those with a credit score below FICO 720*